Technical Program Committee Chairs
Prof. Zhigang Liu
IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, AAIA Fellow
Southwest Jiaotong University, China
In 1997, he graduated from Southwest Jiaotong University with a major in railway electrification and a second major in computer application. In 2003, he received a doctorate degree in power system and its automation. He was promoted to associate professor in 2003, and professor in 2006. He was selected as a doctoral supervisor in 2008. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the United States from 2009 to 2010, and a senior visiting scholar at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in November 2017.
Prof. Shengli Zhang
IEEE SM,Chair of IEEE VTS Guangzhou Chapter
Shenzhen University, China
Prof. Shengli Zhang received his B. Eng. degree in electronic engineering and the M. Eng. degree in communication and information engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. He received his Ph.D in the Department of Information Engineering, the Chinese University University of Hong Kong (CUHK), in 2008. After that, he joined the Communication Engineering Department, Shenzhen University, where he is a full professor from 2016. From 2014.3 to 2015.3, he was a visiting associate professor at Stanford University. He is the pioneer of Physical-layer network coding (PNC). His research interests include blockchain, wireless network, and physical layer network coding.
Prof. Zhijia Tan
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Zhijia Tan, Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2021 Liaoning Provincial High-Level Talents, Leading Talents. His main research interests are transportation system modeling and optimization, freight big data and intelligent decision theory, and green and intelligent transportation. He has chaired many international projects in the field of transportation. He has published more than 40 papers in academic journals, including 30 papers in Transportation Science and Transportation Research Part B, C, D, and E, and more than 10 T1 papers in FMS Chinese journals and other Q1 papers in international authoritative journals in the field of transportation.
Technical Program Committee Members
Prof. Yang Yu, Dalian University of Technology, China
Prof. Xiaojie Wang, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China (IEEE Senior Member)
Prof. Zhaolong Ning, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China (IEEE Senior Member)
Prof. Katarzyna Turoń, Silesian University of Technology, The Republic of Poland
Prof. Tien Anh Tran, University of Malta, Republic of Malta
Assoc. Prof. Yuan lin, Dalian University of Technology, China
Assoc. Prof. Anna Borucka, Military University of Technology, The Republic of Poland
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Aizzat Zakaria, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Bokor László, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Asst. Prof. Om Jee Pandey, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), India (IEEE Senior Member)
Asst. Prof. Soon Jiann Tan, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Asst. Prof. Jiangbo Wang, Dalian University of Technology, China
Asst. Prof. Zijing Lin, Dalian University of Technology, China
Asst. Prof. Soon Jiann Tan, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam
Asst. Prof. El Said M.M. Zahran, University of Nottingham China, China
Asst. Prof. Anna Borucka, Military University of Technology, Poland
Lecturer An Hong Ki, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
Lecturer Xiang Song, University of Portsmouth, UK
Dr. Afzal Ahmed, University of Leeds, UK